Ogbono Soup


Ogbono soup is a rich and nutritious Nigerian soup which is made with ogbono seeds (ground African mango seeds). It is also known as Draw soup and it is very delicious. It is usually eaten with pounded yam, eba, etc.

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Ogbono soup is also known as draw soup and it is a popular Nigerian delicacy. It is made with ogbono seeds (ground African mango seeds) and has a great taste and aroma. It is very nutritious and has very rich flavors which makes it one of the most preferred soups on occasions. The ingredients used to prepare it to range from assorted meats to aromatic and traditional spices. Chief amongst soups, ogbono soup has gained its way into the heart of everyone who dares to try it. Below is a list of the ingredients used in creating this masterpiece soup:

    • Ground Ogbono seeds
    • Assorted meat and fish, base on preference
    • Palm oil
    • Crayfish
    • Pepper
    • Any seasoning of choice
    • Salt (to taste)
    • Traditional spices
    • Okra and Leafy vegetable (either Pumpkin leaves or spinach)

Note: Some people prefer to use bitter leaf as the vegetable instead of Okra and Ugwu.

Ogbono soup is a very well recommended soup because though it is very delicious, it also has great health benefits such as serving as a weight loss aid and reduces levels of cholesterol. It also regulates blood sugar and blood pressure.

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Single Meal, Meal For Five, Meal For Ten


Non-spicy, Spicy


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